Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Green Flatters Everyone (Filming Pick Ups for "Blair's Beard")

Today, we have done a few pickups for our film Blair's Beard. We used a lot of green-screen today.

Sometimes when you don't have a set around that you can use, or you need a different kind of set you can't find in real life, the actors stand in front of a green-screen and later the green is taken away and the background is put in its place.

We used the green screen because we needed an area in which we could put Ryan's head floating around Rebecca's head for a dream sequence. In it, Ryan is talking about how he's going to put a hex on her to give her a beard from the power of Chewbacca.

Today Kyle and Ryan were flabbergasted by Rebecca's beard.

A scene where Ryan will have his head floating around and changing color.

Madison has been doing a perspicacious job editing the film from the start, she's making it look great! :D 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Script is Finished (Hooray!)

Today we were finally able to finish our script. It was a good feeling that it took less time compared to other scripts that I have worked on. Our script is about a girl who learns a lesson after she wakes up with a beard.
Once we completed the script those who knew about the cameras taught those who didn't while the actors read over the script.

In conclusion, today was a very successful day and I am sure tomorrow will be as well.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Today was the first day of Children's Media Project's Reel Expressions Filmmaking Intensive! Six dedicated youth producers are collaborating to create a professional-quality production that will hopefully make it into CMP's Reel Expressions youth film festivals.

Youth producer Zoe, who created the animated short "A Problem" in the summer 2014 DROP TV youth employment program, was among the intensive filmmakers present.

We kicked things off with some improv acting exercises:


              Next, the class learned about the Hero's Journey and began brainstorming their own story ideas. Concentrating on character psychology and motivation, the class is making great progress towards beginning their script tomorrow and be filming by the end of the week. 

Stay tuned for more updates from our Reel Expressions All Stars!